I went to see Jet Heeled Striker in Hamptons again on Saturday. I'm not going to wax lyrical about them, because I have nothing terribly new to say! They were really good, one thing that did seem different is that they seemed very relaxed on stage. They have always looked comfortable but this weekend they definitely looked relaxed and it came through in their singing and playing. I wonder if it is because they have had independent praise of how good they are (from Live & Unsigned) that has given them this boost in confidence..... what ever it is that has caused this change, it's a good thing!
So to tie in the title of the blog, Adam said on stage that they may not be playing Generation X again for a while and to enjoy it - whilst I did enjoy it as much as ever, I wanted to be a mini anarchist for the night and insist they always play it! Bit of an odd link to the title I know, but I couldn't think of anything else to put with my drug pickled brain!