So over the last couple of weeks, the sleepy little railway-works town I call home has been on major news channels up and down the country. We have literally been inundated with press, politicians, party members and pamphleteers - we are being picked over like vultures pecking away at the only fresh carcass for miles. Elections in themselves aren't that blog-worthy for me: you get the leaflets, news reports and party political broadcasts, so what makes this one different? We are having to elect a new MP with the resignation of Chris Huhne following his dalliance in the dock of the local law courts. All of a sudden, here in Eastleigh, Hampshire, we're top of the list for film crews and the elite of British politics.
London will keep shipping down their political bigwigs for another week: I will keep avoiding Nigel Farage at all costs, Maria Hitching's comments on the local schools will continue to follow me around and fuel an irate fire inside, John O'Farrell's complete ignorance of anything to do with Eastleigh will carry on being just a bit pathetic and laughable. But unlike our esteemed David Cameron MP, I am aware that the candidates are not the most important people in all of this, the constituents are. So as I work my way through the inevitably massive pile of leaflets I will receive between now and Thursday, I will keep that in mind. I will think about what I as a constituent want, rather than what annoys me about them, and seek out for who is going to best meet the needs of our sleepy little railway-works town that is my home.