I've decided recently that I'm going to try to make all my titles for my blogs to be either song titles or song lyrics - although from time to time I forget....
So today's title is in honour of the fact that yesterday I found a lump. I'm not that worried about it, it's not the first I've found. The first one I found I was very wound up about given that it was near breast tissue and two of my aunts have had breast cancer, another aunt has died from it and my mum had a scare. Turned out to be a cyst. My logical brain is in control at the moment, and it's telling me that it's another cyst and nothing to worry about. Still means I have to go the the doctors and get it checked.
The second lump in the title is a metaphorical one. I got a letter this weekend saying I hadn't got a job at Eastleigh Youth Counselling Service. I was pinning a lot on getting this job - which, being realistic I wasn't likely to get anyway. There were a hell of a lot of people going for only one position. I really needed this job though, I need to get out of No Limits and this was how I was going to do it. I can't just leave though, I need the hours for my course. So I'm stuck there.
1 comment:
Ally!! You didn't tell me this and I've been rubbish at being on the internet recently... I'm sorry I didn't know.
Hold out. You're really good at what you do and I've got so much faith in you. You'll get there. Did you get feedback from them?
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