I came up with a New Years Resolution by accident today.  As part of my general avoidance of watching myself in a therapy session and analysing it (yuck yuck yuck yuck), my attention was drawn instead to my book cases.  Counting them, I discovered I've got 91 novels I've not read - obviously that doesn't include books of poetry, plays or non-fiction of which there are many.  So this year's resolution is to not buy any new books (except text books, I have to buy them) and instead read the 91 I already have waiting to be read or to be finished - many of them have been begun and discarded for one reason or another.

I have a bit of a 'thing' about buying new books, so this isn't going to be an easy resolution to keep from that respect.  It did kick into action several hours of daydreaming about which one to read first rather than writing 2,500 words of interpersonal process recall.  If I've achieved nothing else, then I've achieved taking avoiding writing assignments to a whole new level!

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