I'm one of many who have voiced the concern that in many ways it hinders communication - proper communication where you take the time to pen a letter or to pick up a phone, or meet someone for coffee and properly converse one on one sans distraction. I know what pretty much everyone I went to school with is doing, despite not having spoken to most of them in 14 years and actually not really caring that much either.
Today was different though. Today social networking meant I reconnected with someone I lost touch with around 12 years ago and it's been ace. Someone I follow on Twitter, and am friends with on Facebook, and actually I do see in the human form from time to time happened to retweet something posted by this person I'd lost touch with. I did a little Twitter stalking to check it was the person I believed him to be, and then when discovering it was, I tweeted him. (as an aside, the person who'd retweeted him and he don't actually know each other, just my old friend is in the music industry and has many many followers). Thus ensued an evening of catch up tweeting, ending with promises from both parties to meet up next time he's home.
Tonight was a reminder of the genuinely innocent goodness that social networks can bring - the re-kindling of old friendships that bring a smile and a bounce of step. So thanks JB for retweeting a strangers comment about liking tea, you made my day!
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