MOSHPIT - Dan Witz
Mosh Pit's are curious things, when you're in the middle of one it's like there's a collective conscious, the pit takes on a life of it's own with a strange symbiosis of polarities - everyone fighting and pushing against one another yet connecting and in sync at the same time. The person next to you is as likely to knock you down as pick you up and keep you safe.
This is just one of a series of pictures by Dan Witz that for me capture the very essence of the Mosh Pit. Looking at the expressions of the faces, the angles and twists of the bodies you can read the story of the pit; you can almost feel the music pulsating through each and every one of them. And that's what it's ultimately about: the music. For the true MetalHead it's not about punching someone or ripping out some one's piercing or giving yourself concussion from headbanging too severely, it's all about the music. It's about it overtaking you, feeling it pulse through your veins and your heart beating in time with the thumping bass. It's about feeling finally like you belong.
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