We Live In A House Of Cards....

Those are the opening words to one of the bleakest and most beautiful songs I've heard in a while. Those are the words written by a friend, a friend who has had the guts to carve his own path in life. He's not settling for second best, he's not prepared to wait around and see what happens. Instead he's living an honest life - honest and true to the person he is and wants to be, and is writing some very intelligent and touching songs as a result.
Sure, they're not songs that are necessarily everyone's taste. But then, what music is? If asked what kind of music I enjoy the most, my answer is most things in a rock/metal/punk vein. I can't explain why those are the genres that appeal to me, it's like asking a blind man to describe the world he sees through touch - there are no words, it's a feeling, a reaction inside. So although I have heard Adam play many times before, the feeling and reaction inside I got last night from him playing was unexpected. I expected to enjoy it, he's good at what he does so why would I not enjoy it? But I didn't expect to be affected by it. His hauntingly beautiful voice was all encompassing, people were stopping conversations to listen to him. Strangers with no loyalty or desire to encourage were listening and enjoying what they were hearing.
Adams set included a cover of Johnny Cash and of the mighty Radiohead. It was a brave choice to mix his own compositions in with two of the most famous and most unique songwriters of all time. His songs held there own though, they were by no means carbon copies of Radiohead or Cash (although to be fair, if you were going to plagiarise, then who better to pick?!), rather you could tell Adam has an understanding of the make-up of their music and has learnt from that for his own song writing.
So did I go and see him play because he's my friend? Yes, of course. Will I go and see him play again? Yes, because I've not been able to get Asunder out of my head all day and I want to hear more.

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