Oh Baby Baby It's A Wide World, It's Hard To Get By Just Upon A Smile

I found out a couple of days ago that G is getting married. He didn't tell me, I found out reading something about it on a mutual friends facebook page. It was a weird thing to read, that the person I once thought I'd spend my life with is committing to spend his with someone else. It's not that I want him to spend it with me, it's been a VERY long time now since that's been my hearts desire. So why did I want to do little but cry for the next twenty four hours?

1 comment:

k said...

I don't know how you deal with things, but if that were me i'd probably have to curl up and have a big sooky day to myself to just dwell on really old, unimportant stuff until I realized how silly I was...
not saying you're being silly, I don't know the situation but...
I imagine i'd be pretty shaken.