Sing Sing A Penny For The Dream

Band: The Great Sojourn
Venue: The Hobbit, Southampton
Date: 23 January 2010

Question: how would I describe The Great Sojourn? Answer: Indie-Pop in the best possible sense of the word (or rather, hyphenated words). They make pop music of times gone by. By that I don't mean dated and heard time and time again. I mean clever, artistic and full of integrity. It's the kind of music that is instantly enjoyable - I couldn't help but smile throughout their set - but by being accessible in this manner doesn't make them easily forgettable. That is the way pop music used to be. It was music that all people could love and enjoy, and could connect with. There's a general feeling these days that to have something special about them, songs have to be worked at to be understood - being shunned by the masses is to be music of any merit or substance. The Great Sojourn, in my opinion, shoves to fingers up to this view. Their music is touching, happy, sad, uplifting and heartwarming. Being in that packed little room on Saturday night felt like being hugged by the person you love on a sunny day in a field. Having said that, their music isn't all sun in a meadow stuff though. They don't ignore the heartbreak and sadness in the world either.
So take a chance on this great new three piece. You'll likely be as pleasantly surprised by them as I was. I will be seeing them again, that's for sure.

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