Pissed Off & Ready To Roar

I feel the need to moan for a bit. I have a somewhat tricky relationship with my sister. We bounce from getting along reasonably well on a superficial level where we both con ourselves into believing all is well and good; to having a major barney and hurting each other quite a lot and feeling very let down. The latter generally seems to appear around public holidays when we need to be getting on for the sake of others. It also generally involves The Bitch – aka my aunt. Calling her that may sound like I’m being really horrid, but trust me, I’m not.
So I recently asked my sister to go on a cheap holiday with me. She’s been unemployed for a few months, but has now begun a very well paid job. I wanted to just have a long weekend in the sun somewhere. Not anything fancy, just a chance to relax and escape for a while. Apparently she cannot afford it. I spoke to her on the phone earlier. She mentioned a holiday in March. Surprised, I asked where she was going and with whom. Quelle surprise it’s with The Bitch and a couple of their mutual friends, for a fortnight in Morocco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, because that’s soooo much cheaper than a two bed apartment in the Canary Islands for 4 nights……!!!!!
What I suspect is really the truth here is that she just does not want to spend time with me, or really put any effort into us forging any kind of a relationship together. Instead she’s much happier living according to The Bitch’s instructions.
I don’t know why I am surprised by it anymore, or why I still get hurt by it. It’s not like it’s anything new I’m dealing with here.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hey missy, just try and remember that the Bitch is...well, the name says it all, right?! And that this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened and certainly not the first time that the Bitch has been at the root of it.

I know it hurts but until something really shakes up that relationship they have, you'll keep letting yourself get hurt everytime. It's easier said than done but keep some distance from it. Remember that, rather than being spiteful, she's probably just not thinking. I constantly have to try not to get my hopes up when it comes to my brother because I only end up getting let down.

Love you xx