It's Been One Week Since You Looked At Me

The title's a bit misleading.  Or maybe it isn't...

So a week ago today I felt pretty shit (see post a week ago for details), and in attempts to help pull myself out of said shitness, I agreed to trying meditating for ten minutes a day for seven days to see if it helped.  I just finished my seventh day and I can say with conviction that this won't be a seven day thing.

I've felt so much more grounded this week, I feel more in my own skin if that makes sense.  I just feel more able to handle things; and while it feels stupid to attribute it to spending ten minutes sat down and breathing, well, that's the truth.

Committing to finding time each day for a week has also made me focus on my time use.  One of the things I never feel I have enough of is time in each day, so the thought of adding in time to 'just sit' seemed a bit unlikely unless I planned it properly.  It also forced me to look at my priorities in life - and I actually for once put my own self on the top of that list.  I feel like I'm here to make a difference to people, but if I'm curled up in a corner in a blubbering mess, well then I'm no use to anyone.  It's kick started my slimming world journey again, which hadn't gone backwards, it had just stagnated, the last year I've put on and lost the same 10lb about a hundred times.  I've also planned in time on my exercise bike again every other day, and we all know what they say about endorphins being happy chemicals.

So it's been one week since I looked at me.  Since I took a proper look at why I had had such a horrid week and what changes I could put in place to help limit the likelihood of that happening all the time (I'm not naive enough to think I'll never have a bad week, but maybe not such a bad one would be better).  The result: Friday night and I'm not in tears and feeling utterly shattered and hopeless.  

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